The Art of Collaboration

I view my work as collaborative.

I do not go into a wedding day with an exact photo I want to take. I see myself as an active observer, and it is my job to go where the energy dictates. I have no pre-conceived notions of how things “should” be. Rather, I am creating images in collaboration with you, the light, the weather, the music, the nature, the textures, the wind, the beat, the rhythms…

The Art of Collaboration extends beyond the couple, it’s with the guests, the kitchen staff, the florists, the musicians, Mother Nature herself- all of us together for a weekend of joy and connection.

Embracing a collaborative mindset allows me to approach each wedding with openness and adaptability. I often say on wedding days, “it’s all part of it”— the spilled wine, the torn veil, the belly laughs, the tears that smear a bit of your mascara, the late guest arrivals, the broken heel—

it’s all part of it.

It is an honor to receive the intimate access inherent in photographing weddings, and though I have photographed hundreds of weddings, I never lose that sense of gratitude. My photos are only as good as the trust I can establish with my subjects.

I will give you my full vulnerable self, and all I ask is you do the same in return.

Ultimately, the final product will really be as much my creation as it is yours.


“Collaboration has no hierarchy. The Sun collaborates with soil to bring flowers on the earth.”